Food Facility Inspection Report |
Bucks County Department of Health
Health Building, Neshaminy Manor Center
Doylestown, PA 18901
(215) 345-3318
Total Violations |
7 |
Date of Inspection |
06/15/2022 |
Risk Violations Count |
6 |
Inspection Time |
01.8 |
Arrival Time |
12:00 |
Recommended for License |
NO |
Travel Time |
00.3 |
Facility Closure |
NO |
City/State NEWTOWN, PA |
Zip Code 18940 |
Telephone (215) 968-060 |
Facility ID # 29F067 |
Purpose of Inspection Initial |
License Type Permanent |
Risk Category 3 |
IN=in compliance
OUT=not in compliance
N/O=not observed
N/A=not applicable
COS=corrected on-site during inspection
R=repeat violation
Compliance Status |
R |
Demonstration of Knowledge |
1 |
Certification by accredited program, compliance with Code, or correct responses |
Employee Health |
2 |
IN |
Management awareness; policy present |
3 |
IN |
Proper use of reporting; restriction & exclusion |
Good Hygienic Practices |
4 |
IN |
Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use |
5 |
IN |
No discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth |
Preventing Contamination by Hazards |
6 |
IN |
Hands clean & properly washed |
7 |
IN |
No bare hand contact with RTE foods or approved alternate method properly followed |
8 |
Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible |
Approved Source |
9 |
IN |
Food obtained from approved source |
10 |
IN |
Food received at proper temperature |
11 |
IN |
Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated |
12 |
IN |
Required records available: shellstock tags, parasite destruction |
Protection from Contamination |
13 |
IN |
Food separated & protected |
14 |
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized |
X |
15 |
IN |
Proper disposition of returned, previously served, reconditioned, & unsafe food |
Compliance Status |
R |
Potentially Hazardous Food Time/Temperature |
16 |
IN |
Proper cooking time & temperature |
17 |
IN |
Proper reheating procedures for hot holding |
18 |
IN |
Proper cooling time & temperature |
19 |
Proper hot holding temperature |
20 |
Proper cold holding temperature |
21 |
IN |
Proper date marking & disposition |
22 |
IN |
Time as a public health control; procedures & record |
Consumer Advisory |
23 |
IN |
Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked foods |
Highly Susceptible Populations |
24 |
IN |
Pasteurized foods used; prohibited foods not offered |
Chemical |
25 |
IN |
Food additives: approved & properly used |
26 |
Toxic substances properly identified, stored & used |
Conformance with Approved Procedure |
27 |
IN |
Compliance with variance, specialized process, & HACCP plan |
Risk factors are improper practices or procedures identified as the most
prevalent contributing factors of foodborne illness or injury. Public Health
Interventions are control measures to prevent foodborne illness or injury. * - Critical Item Requiring Immediate Action
Good Retail Practices are preventative measures to control the addition of pathogens,
chemicals, and physical objects into foods.
Compliance Status |
R |
Safe Food and Water |
28 |
IN |
Pasteurized eggs used where required |
29 |
IN |
Water & ice from approved source |
30 |
IN |
Variance obtained for specialized processing methods |
Food Temperature Control |
31 |
IN |
Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control |
32 |
IN |
Plant food properly cooked for hot holding |
33 |
IN |
Approved thawing methods used |
34 |
IN |
Thermometer provided & accurate |
35 |
IN |
Food properly labeled; original container |
Prevention of Food Contamination |
36 |
IN |
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons |
37 |
IN |
Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display |
38 |
Personal cleanliness |
39 |
IN |
Wiping cloths: properly used & stored |
40 |
IN |
Washing fruit & vegetables |
Compliance Status |
R |
Proper Use of Utensils |
41 |
IN |
In-use utensils: properly stored |
42 |
IN |
Utensils, equipment & linens: properly stored, dried & handled |
43 |
IN |
Single-use & single-service articles: properly stored & used |
44 |
IN |
Gloves used properly |
Utensils, Equipment and Vending |
45 |
IN |
Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, & used |
46 |
IN |
Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained, & used; test strips |
47 |
IN |
Non-food contact surfaces clean |
Physical Facilities |
48 |
IN |
Hot & cold water available; adequate pressure |
49 |
IN |
Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices |
50 |
IN |
Sewage & waste water properly disposed |
51 |
IN |
Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned |
52 |
IN |
Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained |
53 |
IN |
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean |
54 |
IN |
Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used |
Food Facility Inspection Report |
Bucks County Department of Health
Health Building, Neshaminy Manor Center
Doylestown, PA 18901
(215) 345-3318
Date of Inspection |
06/15/2022 |
Arrival Time |
12:00 |
Recommended for License |
NO |
Facility Closure |
NO |
Facility Newtown Athletic Club Poolside Cafe |
City/State NEWTOWN, PA |
Zip Code 18940 |
Telephone (215) 968-060 |
Facility ID # 29F067 |
Owner Newtown Racquetball, Inc. |
Purpose of Inspection Initial |
License Type Permanent |
Risk Category 3 |
Item/Location |
Temp |
Item/Location |
Temp |
Item/Location |
Temp |
Ambient/Beer refrigerator |
45 ° F |
Ambient/Beer refrigerator bar |
38 ° F |
Ambient/Keg refrigerator |
36 ° F |
Chicken/Hot-Hold Unit |
120 ° F |
Meatballs/Prep Area |
50 ° F |
Sauce/Prep Area |
70 ° F |
Almond milk/Refrigerator |
43 ° F |
Cut tomatoes/Pizza prep unit |
38 ° F |
Cheese/Refrigerated drawer |
38 ° F |
Ambient/Hot-Hold Unit |
122 ° F |
Hot dog/Hot-Hold Unit |
166 ° F |
Cooked veggies/Prep top unit |
37 ° F |
Item Number |
Violations cited in this report must be corrected within the time frames below.
*There is no food safety manager certified by this Department (CFSM) on duty as required. A CFSM must be on duty at all times the facility is open and/or food is being prepared. A completed application(SA-71)for CFSM, or proof of enrollment in an approved safety class must be submitted to the Department. New Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
The hand sink in the dish washing area has no running hot water. All other hand sinks except the hand sink located near the walk-in cooler are not reaching 100°F.
The facility has 24 hours to correct this issue. New Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/16/2022
*The 3 compartment sink is only reaching 105°F. The cold water does not turn off. Dish washing compartment must be a minimum 110°F with soapy water. The facility has 24 hours to correct this issue. Repeat Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/16/2022
*The following areas are accumulating food debris and/or mold like substance and must be cleaned and sanitized to sight and touch: Interior of ice machine Mounted can opener Soda gun holster at the bar Repeat Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
*Clean wares are hanging from the drying rack but are directly above the hand sink in the dish washing area. In use tongs hanging directly on unclean refrigeration unit. Ice scoop handle stored in direct contact with consumable ice. Repeat Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
*The dish machine at the bar has 0 ppm sanitizer. Chlorine sanitizer must be 50-100ppm. The dish machine in the kitchen is not reaching the required temperature. It measures 103°F during this inspection.
A service call was made during this inspection. The facility has 24 hours to fix hot water and supply correct sanitizer concentrations for proper dish washing. Repeat Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/16/2022
*Foods in the hot hold unit are not being held at the required 135° F or above. This unit has severely torn gaskets. Replace gaskets, provide internal thermometer and adjust or repair temperature on unit. New Violation.
*Meatballs, tomatoes based sauce and other TCS food products ranging 45-70 °F.
Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food must be cold held at or below 41ºF. New Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
*Chemicals in spray bottles are stored hanging over the splash guard on the ipen liqour rack. Nozzles are above and facing open liquor bottles. These must be moved to a separate location away so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles. New Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
Food workers are not wearing hair restraints as required. Employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, that are effectively designed and worn to keep their hair from contacting exposed food; clean equipment, utensils and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. New Violation. To be Corrected By: 06/15/2022
General Remarks
Bar dish machine: Wash-120 Rinse-122 Sanitizer-0 ppm
All compliance inspections may have a regulatory service fee.